PALISADE Transcripts

This season is still airing. Transcripts for all episodes may not be finished yet.

  1. Into the World Pt. 1
  2. Into the World Pt. 2
  3. Today Is a Monday
  4. I Would Like to Help You
  5. I Would Like to Help You Pt. 2
  6. The Canvas of Dreams Pt. 1
  7. The Canvas of Dreams Pt. 2
  8. The Canvas of Dreams Pt. 3
  9. The Canvas of Dreams Pt. 4
  10. The Wheels Turning Pt. 1
  11. The Wheels Turning Pt. 2
  12. Worth the Trouble Pt. 1
  13. Worth the Trouble Pt. 2
  14. Upon Our Grace Pt. 1
  15. Upon Our Grace Pt. 2
  16. Upon Our Grace Pt. 3
  17. Upon Our Grace Pt. 4
  18. How It Always Looks Pt. 1
  19. How It Always Looks Pt. 2
  20. In Their Fear Pt. 1
  21. In Their Fear Pt. 2
  22. An Impossible Ideal Pt. 1
  23. An Impossible Ideal Pt. 2
  24. An Impossible Ideal Pt. 3
  25. Hunter x Hunter Show Announcement - What Its Called and How to Get It

  26. An Impossible ideal Pt. 4